4 minuti che cambieranno la tua vita - guarda e condividi
6:35 PM
Human itself is an am@z!ng word. Humans are the most intelligent creatures in the ver$e of planet earth, however we are the w0r$t. This is the starting phase of the video. The video is about how humans are de$tr0ying the earth. Human are totally taking over the world. We are acting as if we own the planet but what we need to real!ze is that we are just guest$ in this planet. Our gre*ed is taking
the planet to de$truct!on. The animals were in the planet way before us and we are just new c0mer. But we are dom!n@ting them and using them for our $elfish means. We are here to share the planet with other creatures that either be small or big or of any